Outcome of November 22, 2010 Preservation Board Meeting
4217, 4221, 4223 and 4225 Arco Street
The appeal of the staff denial for the demolition of 4223 and 4225 Arco Street was overturned due to their structural condition. However, the structural and historic integrity of 4217 and 4221 Arco Street remain intact and the appeal for their approval for demolition was denied. The owner plans to demolition 4223 and 4225 Arco Street. Once the buildings are razed the lots will be graded and seeded.
4942-44 Wise Avenue
The appeal against the staff denial of the demolition of 4942-44 Wise Avenue was upheld. The Preservation Board stated, "The applicant has not provided evidence supporting the decision to demolish the existing building as oppose to rehabilitation." The preservation board upheld the staff denial as the proposed demolition did not meet ordinance standards for approval.